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Kaoru Watanabe with special guest 仙波清彦


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Kaoru Watanabe with special guest 仙波清彦

  • Live Spot RAG Kyoto Empire Building 5F, Sanjoagaru, Kiyacho, Bunkyo-ku Kyoto, Kyoto, 604-8001 JAPAN (map)

Kaoru Watanabe (篠笛・太鼓)
Fumi Tanakadate (太鼓・vocal)
仙波清彦 (percussion)

LiveSpotRAG 京都市中京区木屋町通三条ル 京都エンパイヤビル5F
*チケットはRAG・ぴあ・ローソンにて 9/30(土) 発売開始

Kaoru Watanabe (shinobue, taiko)
Fumi Tanakadate (taiko, vocal)
Kiyohiko Semba (percussion)

Live SpotRAG | Kyoto Empire Building Kiyoshi-dori Sanjo Kieru-cho, Chukyo-ku, Kyoto City
6pm doors open | 7.30pm start
Tickets: 4000 JPY in advance | 4500 JPY at the door
Student tickets: 3000 JPY in advance | 3500 JPY at the door
More info here

Earlier Event: December 8
明日に架ける橋〜Bridge to Tomorrow
Later Event: December 21
Breaking Ice: The Battle of the Carmens