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Kibo no Hikari: a piece I wrote for a fundraising benefit for Children's Cancer Center Lebanon. The first half is a requiem to those whose lives, families, friends, communities, homes and businesses were lost. The second half, starting around the 5:26 mark- is an expression of hope inspired by people coming together to recover and rebuild. Featured in the piece is the sound of a traditional coffee grinder that I met in Beirut named Rami Tourkmani.

Sound and video shot, recorded and edited while in quarantine (all while babysitting Shinobu…)

“Shinobu” composed by Kaoru Watanabe
performed by Yo-Yo Ma and the Silkroad Ensemble Dec. 2, 2018

One composed and performed by Kaoru Watanabe
Improvisations on the theme of Dojoji featuring Chieko Kojima starting at 8'38"

Shane Shanahan -darabukka
Sandeep Das - cajon
Edward Perez - bass
Kaoru Watanabe - shinobue

Alicia Hall Moran's Motown Project at the Highline Ballroom. Featuring Jason Moran, Tarus Mateen, Thomas Flippin, Adan Vasquez, Steven Herring.

Wonderful NY based filmmaker, Yuki Kokubo and I experimenting with a solo performance project I've been ruminating on for a few years. Please check out her work at

Musicians Yuta Sumiyoshi (from Kodo) and Fumi Tanakadate in La Jolla, California.

A fun project that I've been doing with my good friend Daniel Rosen in Tokyo since 2008 and with a revolving cast of artists. The latest reincarnation featured Semba Kiyohiko, Kaori Takahashi, Kojima Chieko (from Kodo), Yoshii Shogo, Naito Tetsuro, Yamano Azumi with the TokyoDex art team: Shinpei Kashihara (Live Painting), Frankie Cihi (Live Digital Painting), Maiko Miyagawa (Live Photography) and D.H. Rosen (VJ).

A more youthful version of myself performing with Kodo in 2004 as part of One Earth Tour Special directed by Bando Tamasaburo.
Tenri Cultural Institute NYC Feb 6, 2008