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Kaoru Watanabe Néo featuring Kenny Endo


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Kaoru Watanabe Néo featuring Kenny Endo

  • Joe's Pub 425 Lafayette Street New York, NY, 10003 United States (map)

Grammy nominated Kaoru Watanabe, composer and Japanese shinobue flutist and taiko drummer, combines the sounds of old Japan with rhythms and improvisational techniques from across the globe. He has performed with such notables as Silk Road Ensemble, So Percussion and Jason Moran and was former performing member and artistic director of Japan's premier taiko group Kodo. 

For this concert, Watanabe is joined by one of the most acclaimed taiko drummers, Kenny Endo. Endo, an expert in various forms of traditional Japanese music, has recently celebrated 40 years of being at the vanguard of contemporary taiko drumming. 

"Néo is so ethereal that words to describe it skip like a breeze on water. It encompasses time and space from a culture that remains elusive and exotic, yet is audibly accessible in this presentation." - All About Jazz

Doors at 9 PM
Show at 9:30 PM
Ticket: $15

Purchase ticket here.

Alicia Hall Moran (voice), Kinan Azmeh (clarinet), Jacob Garchik (trombone), Fumi Tanakadate (taiko and shinobue) and Kenny Endo (taiko)

Earlier Event: January 27
Later Event: February 26
Solo, Duo, Trio, Quartet, Quintet