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Kaoru Watanabe Taiko Intensive


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Kaoru Watanabe Taiko Intensive

KTWC has hosted multiple weekend intensives over the past six years, with participants coming from all over the US, Canada, Australia, Argentina and Ireland. The last few have all been for guest instructors: Kenny Endo, Katsuhiro and Hidenori Tsumura from Miyake Island, Chieko Kojima from KODO, Tetsuro Naito and Patrick Graham. This intensive will be the first one led by myself in a couple of years.

August 28 Friday evening 
7-9 pm   Opening Session- All participants will both perform a piece as well as be encouraged to ask questions and make observations of each other, in order to foster an environment that welcomes constructive criticism and conversations about differences of styles.
9-10     Video viewing- brief overview of various Japanese traditional performing arts

August 29 Saturday morning
9-11       Basic drumming, the Kaoru Watanabe way
11-1pm  Breathing, balance, movement, "unbendable arm", introduction to various types of Japanese dance
1-2pm    Lunch break
2-4pm    Yoko-uchi (ie Miyake)
4-4:30    afternoon break
4:30-6pm learn the piece Chakuto 
6-7pm    Dinner break
7-9pm     Improvisational techniques- developing solos, multiple drum playing, etc.
9-10        Video viewing- contemporary taiko groups and players

August 30 Sunday morning
8 am       breakfast
9-1pm     Final wrap up session - reviewing the various lessons
1 pm       lunch (optional)

Limited to 10 participants. The workshop $500 includes healthy home-cooked meals and refreshments and communal lodging (participants bring a sleeping bag/mats, etc and sleep in the studio).

To reserve a spot, email us at