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Alicia Hall Moran- Black Wall Street @National Sawdust


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Alicia Hall Moran- Black Wall Street @National Sawdust

Black Wall Street is a staged concert depicting a story about Money and the lesser-told story of Black-American Finance in New York City–and beyond. Pulling memory from her own childhood with her own Wall Street father, and adding to that events drawn from documents on 18th century New York found in The Schomburg Center’s The Black New Yorkers, writings on Oklahoma’s Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 which plundered the wealthy Black neighborhood known as Black Wall Street, issues of Black Enterprise Magazine from the 1980’s, books by and about Black financiers, and articles from The Wall Street Journal in the 21st century, Ms. Moran will re-create “the office” of the past, and perhaps even, the future.

by Alicia Hall Moran


Alicia Hall Moran, vocals, co-musical direction


Prasanna, guitar, co-musical direction
Shalini Lakshmi, vocals
Steven Herring, vocals
Thomas Flippin, guitar
Brandon Ross, guitar
Kaoru Watanabe, drums