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Adam Rudolph Residency at the Stone


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Adam Rudolph Residency at the Stone

  • The Stone the coner of Avenu C and 2nd Street New York, NY 10009 USA (map)

Composer, Improviser, Conductor, & Percussionist Adam Rudolph

Curates a One-Week Residency at
The Stone, New York City 
May 24-29th, 2016

The Stone
at the corner of Avenue C and 2nd St. New York, NY 10009
$20/set (no advance sales)
(212) 473-0043

Tuesday, May 24th
Adam Rudolph and Wadada Leo Smith

Wadada Leo Smith - trumpet

Adam Rudolph – handrumset (kongos, djembe, tarija, zabumba), thumb pianos, sintir, multiphonic vocal, percussion;
James Dellatacoma - electronic processing 

Adam Rudolph Quartet:
Adam Rudolph – handrumset (kongos, djembe, tarija, zabumba), thumb pianos, sintir, multiphonic vocal, percussion
Marco Cappelli - acoustic guitar, looping and electronics
Kaoru Watanabe - noh kan, fue, c flute

James Dellatacoma - electronic processing