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Glories of Japanese Music Heritage


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Glories of Japanese Music Heritage

  • Miller Theatre, Columbia University 2960 Broadway New York, NY, 10027 United States (map)

The 12th Annual Concert of Japanese Heritage Music

Glories of Japanese Music Heritage

Left to right: Takeshi Sasamoto, Hitomi Nakamura and Mayumi Miyata

Left to right: Takeshi Sasamoto, Hitomi Nakamura and Mayumi Miyata

Doors open at 3:30PM

The concert is free and open to the public, but please register online from our web site, Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and can be made with a credit card online here.

Japanese Sacred Gagaku Court Music and Contemporary Music for Japanese Heritage Instruments including:

Part I  Gagaku Ancient Soundscapes Reborn

Hyōjō no netori (Prelude Mode Centering on the note of E)
Etenraku (Music of the Divine Heavens)

Kashin (Glorious Days)

Ichikotsuchō no chōshi (Prelude Mode Centering on the note of D)
Konju no jo (Ah, Cheers - Overture)
Konju no ha (Ah, Cheers - Unfolding)

Part II  Contemporary Works by Non-Japanese Composers


Left to right: Elizabeth Brown, Basil Athanasiadis and Marty Regan

Left to right: Elizabeth Brown, Basil Athanasiadis and Marty Regan

Elizabeth Brown, Rubicon (2009)
for shō, hichiriki & ryūteki

Basil Athanasiadis, Interrupted Dreams (2010)  
for shō & 21-string koto
(World Premiere)

Marty Regan, Magic Mirror (2008)
for shamisen, hichiriki, ryūteki, shō, shinobue & shakuhachi
featuring Hitomi Nakamura (hichiriki), Takeshi Sasamoto (ryūteki), Mayumi Miyata (shō), Yumi Kurosawa (21-string koto), Yoko Reikano Kimura (shamisen), Kaoru Watanabe (shinobue), James Nyoraku Schlefer (shakuhachi), Columbia Gagaku Instrumental Ensemble of New York, and others.

Left to right: Yumi Kurosawa, Kaoru Watanabe, James Nyoraku Schlefer and Yoko Reikano Kimura

Left to right: Yumi Kurosawa, Kaoru Watanabe, James Nyoraku Schlefer and Yoko Reikano Kimura