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JO | HA | KYU ft. Brooklyn Raga Massive


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JO | HA | KYU ft. Brooklyn Raga Massive

  • ShapeShifter Lab 18 Whitwell Place Brooklyn, NY, 11215 United States (map)

JO | HA | KYU is a four part concert series that explores meaningful collaborations between traditional Japanese instruments and those of other cultures, celebrating Brooklyn's incredibly rich and diverse cultural makeup through music. Curated by Kaoru Watanabe, a Brooklyn-based musician and composer who specializes in the Japanese taiko drums and shinobue bamboo flutes, the performances will be a dynamic mix of traditional repertoire, structured improvisations and contemporary compositions.

In this concert, the first of the series, Watanabe will team up with members of the beloved Indian music collective Brooklyn Raga Massive as well as one of the most acclaimed and innovative taiko drummers in Japan, Ryutaro Kaneko.

Ticket: $20 general admission | $10 students with valid student ID

Arun Ramamurthy (violin)
Jay Ghandi (bansuri)
Sameer Gupta (tabla, drumset)
Fumi Tanakadate (taiko, shinobue)
Sumie Kaneko (koto, shamisen, voice)
Special guest Ryutaro Kaneko (taiko)

Sponsored, in part, by Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).

Earlier Event: March 27
Ryutaro Kaneko Workshop