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ANNA SATO & SHINGO MAEYAMA: Songs of Amami Island, Japan


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ANNA SATO & SHINGO MAEYAMA: Songs of Amami Island, Japan

  • Roulette 509 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, NY, 11217 United States (map)



'My good friends Anna Sato and Shingo Maeyama, top practitioners of traditional folk music of the Amami Islands will be performing at Roulette. I won't be performing but strongly encourage people to come- it's a rare opportunity to hear this music outside of the Amami Islands. Anna has worked over the years with my former group Kodo over the last few years and with one of my current collaborators Shogo Yoshii, also formerly of Kodo. ' - Kaoru

Anna Sato and Shingo Maeyama, two of the island’s most famous artists of the younger generation, perform the folk music of Amami Island in western Japan, providing the New York audience with the rare opportunity to hear this hauntingly beautiful music. Ms. Sato (vocals), who began singing shimauta (community songs) at the age of three, is joined by Shingo Maeyama (vocals, sanshin-plucked lute), an Amami Folk Song Award winner. While harnessing the moving melodies of shimauta passed down for generations, each artist is a seasoned master of their craft and a pioneer in new expressions. Their music is unmistakably Japanese and yet universal in its appeal, delivered with remarkable virtuosity.