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Kodo's Dadan at BAM


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Kodo's Dadan at BAM

  • BAM 30 Lafayette Avenue Brooklyn, NY, 11217 United States (map)

Part of BAM's 2017 Winter/Spring Season

Directed by Tamasaburo Bando

“Superlatives don't really exist to convey the primal power and bravura beauty of Kodo.”
—Chicago Tribune

Emanating an ancient cavernous thunder, a group of disciplined, muscled bodies pound traditional Japanese drums with sticks the size of a forearm. In Dadan, Japan’s preeminent taiko ensemble showcases the spectacular sonic possibilities of these time-honored instruments, supplemented with cymbals, xylophone, and more. Led by Kabuki theater luminary Tamasaburo Bando, the members of Kodo (Kodo One Earth Tour: Mystery, 2015 Winter/Spring) summon decades of training to exalt the drum in this tightly choreographed pageant of percussion.

Click here for details including performance dates & times.

Mar 1-4 Kodo Directed by Tamasaburo Bando Japan's preeminent taiko drum ensemble Kodo showcases the spectacular sonic possibilities of traditional time-honored instruments in this tightly choreographed pageant of percussion. MORE:

Earlier Event: February 26
Solo, Duo, Trio, Quartet, Quintet
Later Event: March 25
Go: Organice Orchestra